Workshop for crafting and repairing musical instruments.

Versiunea romanaItalia
Violinmaker Bucharest Romania authorized violinmaker, crafts, restores fixes violins, violas, pan-pipes, cellos,  contrabasses
Alexandru Ozon - Home Page official site

violin, viola pan-pipe, cello, contrabass

Workshops for crafting and repairing musical instruments

Thanks to the way he performs his high quality repairing, Mr. Alexandru Ozon is very appreciated by instrumentalists from all over Bucharest: from Philharmonic, Romanian Opera, Operetta, National Radio Orchestra and other artistic instrumental bands: from the Philharmonics and theatres from Iasi, Ploiesti, Craiova, Arad..

He is very appreciated by the instrument professors as well from the musical and conservative high-schools, fact which leads the pupils and students to take their instruments at him for repairing.
He enjoys a well deserved respect from the VOCES quartet from Iasi, which recommends him to the local and foreign instrumentalists as a good restorer.
Also, there are Romanian instrumentalists who sing with his instruments in Germany, France, England, Italy and Spain, enjoying his success.

Alexandru Ozon's workshop Alexandru Ozon's workshop Alexandru Ozon's workshop
Alexandru Ozon's workshop Alexandru Ozon's workshop Alexandru Ozon's workshop
Alexandru Ozon's workshop Alexandru Ozon's workshop Alexandru Ozon's workshop

Violin - Crafting, repairing, for sale Violins
For sale

Viola - Crafting, repairing, for sale Violas
For sale

Cello - Crafting, repairing, for sale Cellos
For sale

Contrabass - Crafting, repairing, for sale Contrabasses
For sale

Pan-pipes - Crafting, repairing, for sale Pan-pipes
For sale


Traditional martial arts


Home Page | Alexandru Ozon biography | Workshop presentation | Contact | Listen to recordings!
Crafting musical instruments | Musical instrument reparations | Instruments for sale

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